Go through Over-The-Counter Acne Treatments: Pros and Cons extra

Over-The-Counter Acne Treatments: Pros and Cons

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Are you annoyed and embarrassed by the pimples on your cheeks? Are you overly conscious of that red bump on your nose? Well, you may think you need professional treatment, but for most people the usual blemish and pimple can be treated at home through the use of over-the-counter (OTC) acne treatments. There's a wide variety of choices to consider, including cleansers, toners, astringents, moisturizers, lotions, pads and wipes, masks and strips. However, as you'll see later, there are some risks associated with these treatments.

The main active ingredients found in many of the OTC treatments include salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and sulfur. They can be effective when used for mild and moderate acne problems. All three have both antibacterial and keratolytic effects. A keratolytic agent causes the outer layer of your skin to thin and shed away. This action opens up your pores and allows blocked material such as accumulated oil, dead skin cells and bacteria to be released.

Salicylic Acid: This compound was originally derived from willow bark, and has been used for centuries to alleviate pain and reduce fever. It is chemically similar to but not identical to acetylsalicylic acid, which is the active component of aspirin. In addition to its keratolytic effects, salicylic acid also acts as a bacteriocide by neutralizing bacteria inside the pores.

Benzoyl Peroxide: This organic compound works as both a keratolytic agent and as an oxidizer. Studies show that 70% of those who have used products with benzoyl peroxide experienced clearing of their acne within just six weeks.

Sulfur: Even before the modern era of scientific medicine, elemental sulfur was used in creams to help alleviate various conditions such as ringworm, scabies, eczema, psoriasis and acne. The way it actually works is not fully understood, but it is known that elemental sulfur slowly oxidizes into sulfurous acid, which has a mild antibacterial effect. Just like the other ingredients mentioned above, it also has a keratolytic effect.

What Are The Cons?

When used at a concentration of greater than 2 percent, salicylic acid may cause your skin to peel, become overly dry, and become irritated. It may also produce other undesirable effects such as salicylate toxicity, toxic inner ear damage and hypersensitivity. It can also produce photosensitization or the increased skin sensitivity to sunlight. Most of all, it increases the changes in skin structure and allows other chemicals to go deeper into the skin.

Sulfur may cause staining and has a very unpleasant smell and may cause dryness. It is not recommended as part of any product that a pregnant woman may use.

Benzoyl peroxide is a very harsh chemical which may irritate the skin and cause redness, dryness, scaling and blemishes. Those allergic to it suffer blistering, burning and swelling. Moreover, it may also cause the bleaching of hair or fabrics because of its oxidization properties.

Now that you know about the pros and cons associated with some of the different types of over-the-counter acne treatments, I invite you to take a look at our simple pimples cure [http://www.pimplescured.com]. While you're there, be sure to also check out the acne diet [http://www.pimplescured.com/acne-diet.html].

Examine Rosacea: Treatment and Information a lot more

Rosacea (roh-zay-sha) is a common facial skin disorder that is estimated to effect over 16 million Americans today and most may not even know what it is. In a society that places such high value on beauty and appearance, having a skin condition like Rosacea can have lasting adverse personal and psychological effects. Typically the first signs of Rosacea begin to show up any time after the age of 30 as a redness in the cheeks, nose, chin or forehead. Symptoms of Rosacea may come and go without any apparent cause and tend to get worse over time, especially when left untreated.

The first primary sign of Rosacea is a general redness about the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead but in severe cases may affect the neck, chest, scalp and even the ears. Nicknamed the "Curse of the Celt's", Rosacea most commonly appears as if the affected individual were blushing or turning red. In fact it seems that mainly Caucasians of European decent who have fair skin and actually tend to blush easier seem to be more at risk and this frequent blushing is often an early indicator of the disease. Women are three times more likely to get the disease than men, but it seems that men have more severe symptoms than women. Over time the redness may become more permanent, looking similar to a sunburn that won't go away, and may even darken or become ruddier in appearance. This darkening is usually a result of tiny blood vessels that become visible just under the surface of the skin (Telangiectasia). Along with these blood vessels, small bumps and pimples may accompany the progression of the disease. These small, solid red bumps and pustules are similar in appearance to acne but are in fact not the same. Often wrongly referred to as Acne Rosacea, these pimples are a result of the Rosacea and often burn and itch and can be made worse by standard Acne treatments. When left untreated, over time severe Rosacea can result in a swelling and hardening of the nose tissue. This swelling is known as Rhinophyma and is a result of extra tissue production and may permanently disfigure the effected individual. Ocular Rosacea is another common symptom of severe cases as well. The inner skin of the eyelids to become inflamed or appear scaly, a condition known as conjunctivitis. This is characterized by irritated, watery and bloodshot eyes and sufferers may experience a burning and gritty sensation in the eye similar to severe allergies. The inner skin of the eyelids to become inflamed or appear scaly, a condition known as conjunctivitis.

Because the signs and symptoms of Rosacea can vary greatly from one patient to another, treatments must be tailored by a dermatologist for every individual case. Although the exact cause of Rosacea is not yet known, there are a number of factors that may contribute to outbreaks. It is believed that spicy foods, alcohol, extreme temperature changes, sunlight, stress, and exercise may not cause an outbreak but it has been shown that they can lead to negative effects on people who suffer from this disease. While there is no way to eliminate outbreaks altogether, effective treatment can bring relief to those who suffer from it. Most often this requires a combination of prescription treatments and certain lifestyle changes on the patients part. Your Portland Rosacea Specialist may recommend that you use a combination of prescription topical creams and oral antibiotics to help gain control over your outbreaks. In the most extreme cases of Rosacea, dermatologists could prescribe Isotretinoin (Accutane), which is a very powerful oral medication that works to inhibit the production of Sebum Oil from the Sebaceous gland. This treatment must be closely monitored by a professional due to the possibility of serious side effects. Always remember, you play just as important a role in your treatment as the doctor, always try to minimize the things that could lead to an outbreak. Identify your own triggers, keep a list of things that could have caused a flair-up in the past. Once you and your Portland Rosacea Specialist get your symptoms under control make sure that you maintain your treatment plan or your symptoms could return.

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Visit http://www.centerdermlaser.com/ for all your skin care needs and questions. Robert Davidson is a free lance writer for the Center for Dermatology and Laser Surgery.

Rosacea: Treatment and Information

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Understand Home Remedies For Pimples - Remove Pimple Marks on the Face Overnight far more

Home Remedies For Pimples - Remove Pimple Marks on the Face Overnight



There comes a time in everyone's life when they are faced with an undesirable yet extremely nagging issue and they are desperate to do away with it. One such issue is acne which in fact is a skin disorder where pimples form on the skin. These pimples can be greatly discomforting and even sometimes painful thus calling for treatment. Among the treatments that can be rendered, home remedies for pimples are the most secure way to go.

Pimples will generally form on the skin of a person whose skin pores are blocked. In the pores of the skin, there are sebaceous glands which produce oil (sebum). With time, the outer layer of the skin will shed and the dead skin cells that remain behind soon become stuck together by the sebum. This leads to some sort of blockage in within the pore mostly when the skin gets thicker around puberty or early years of adolescence. The glands produce more oil which eventually collects just behind the blockage. This sebum unfortunately harbors a good host of bacteria including the one that gives rise to the pimples. Home remedies for pimples will clear all pimples including whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, nodules and cysts.

The treatment of pimples has created plenty of controversy over the years with some people recommending certain treatments that have actually worsened the situation for some acne sufferers. Pimples have been a huge problem for adolescents, teenagers, and even adults. When one sees pimples on their face, they are bound to feel very unpleasant if not embarrassed. However, that should not be the case because the truth is that these pimples can be healed and the condition can be made better. The icing on the cake is that one can actually use home remedies for pimples because they will expect to get healed within their own home. Healing pimples could not have been easier and cheaper than this!

First of all, pimples react quite positively to niacin also known as vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid. It is a colorless solid which you should mix in water and then apply on the affected area for at least three times a day. The second among the home remedies for pimples is the use of cucumber. Apply grated cucumber over the affected area if you want to treat the pimples or blackheads. Ideally, this will take a period of 15 to 20 minutes. Another example among the home remedies for acne that will work for you is mixing one teaspoon of coriander juice, combined with a pinch of turmeric powder. Each night, after washing the face well, make it a point to apply the juice for greater results.

The problem of pimples is far more reaching than one might think because many a time, it will take you more than one or two attempts at treating it to actually land on the exact treatment that will work for your skin. Why not save all the trial and error by using home remedies for pimples to clear and rid yourself of this infection easily, quickly and cheaply?

Next, visit natural acne treatment at home to get started immediately on curing acne by using the proper acne solution. Also read our detailed review of acne free in 3 days to see if their popular acne solution is right for you.

Study Is There a Difference Between Rosacea and Acne - Or Are They One in the Same more

Is There a Difference Between Rosacea and Acne - Or Are They One in the Same

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It is quite understandable why many may believe they suffer from a severe case of acne when they are actually suffering from Rosacea since Rosacea, in its later stages, causes pimples to form on the face and blood vessels become visible in and around the face. In reality it can be very difficult to distinguish between the two, other than with Rosacea, there will be an absence of blackheads.

In the early stages of this skin disorder the face becomes flushed just as it would when one is embarrassed. As it progresses the flushing appears more regularly until it gets to the point when the face stays permanently flushed. Besides the face, it can also occur on the forehead, chin, back, chest, shoulders, and ears. Once it reaches its later stages, pimples tend to begin to develop and the blood vessels become more and more visible in the areas where the flushing occurs.

Since Rosacea and acne vulgaris are similar in nature in that they are both an inflammatory type of disorder the treatment is also similar in nature however, acne treatments are much more harsh on Rosacea and can irritate or aggravated it causing the condition to worsen. For this reason it is important to properly diagnose the condition in order to properly treat it.

Since Rosacea most commonly occurs in people, mainly women, between the ages of thirty to fifty years of age can make it easier to diagnose, if however, you are not sure, you should see a professional. Remember traditional acne treatments can worsen your condition.

To discover a treatment plan specifically developed for Rosacea, click here and spend two more minutes on the next page, all you have to lose is a few more minutes of your time and very possibly the Rosacea.

Study Penis Pimple Or Penis Acne more

Penis Pimple Or Penis Acne


The most common skin problem suffered by men is penis pimples also termed penis acne. There is no debate that pimples are bad. But sometimes the spots pimples choose to erupt are not only embarrassing but frustrating as well. Most of us are embarrassed to go in the public if we have a haunting pimple on their face.

You can imagine yourself the intensity of hurting the confidence of a person by penis pimples. Read on if penis pimples are strongly hitting your self-confidence? You are in a position of grasping valuable information for getting rid of pimples on penis. This will enable you to enjoy a more confident and healthier life.

First thing is to make this clear in your head that penis acne is a punishment sin. It is as normal as facial or body acne. So neither you are different from others, nor are you being punished for your sins.

Next important thing is to be careful while selecting the soaps. As generally most soaps and beauty products are designed for face and not for your private area. Even better than using an ointment on your private area is to keep it clean and free of germs.

No one can avoid perspiration around the private area. However it is important to clean it thoroughly with some mild and unscented soap

The undergarments must be selected with greatest care. It is suggested to select the ones which are made from excellent quality of soft fabric. They must also fit you right. Bad fitting triggers the growth of penis pimples.

Drink plenty of plain water. This helps in removing the toxins from the body.

Most people who are suffering from pimples on penis, try to over wash the area to get rid of penis acne. This over washing only worsen the condition. Simply wash never scrub the genitals.

Never pop or squeeze the pimples on penis. This will only spread the infection and you'll end up by getting two or more penis pimples. Leave the pimples then and there. This is the best treatment for them. Never try to pop it.

The best thing is that you should try to locate the food that is causing or triggering penis acne. There must be any one type of food.

There are plenty of over-the-counter and prescriptive medicines designed for the treatment of penis acne and penis pimple however it is suggested to go safe.

Best acne treatment for penis pimple is the natural acne treatment.

The natural treatments are safer. And you know well it is always better to play safe rather than worry in the end. Especially for your most precious area.

To know wonderful natural formulas that work instantly check Penis Pimple.

Best Acne Treatment. Apply the techniques and enjoy a more confident life.

Read When And How To Pop A Pimple Explained more


Have you ever wondered why that pimple that you've been squeezing for days still hurts and doesn't seem to be healing?

In the very early stages of my career I swore that I would never tell someone to 'pop their pimples', much less teach them how to do it! After all, its embedded into your brain as a student, and a big no-no unless it is done by a trained professional.

It didn't take long for me to realize, however, that pickers were going to pick (regardless of how much they told me they wouldn't), and considering that I was one of them- how hypocritical of me!

So just as an instructor would arm her students with the proper tools to do their job adequately, I decided that the best way to deal with my 'pickers' was to arm them as well.

I, in no way, encourage picking, but since I know you're going to pick anyway, I might as well teach you how to pick correctly. Besides, who wants to leave the house and face the world with a big ol' whitehead!?!

Why it hurts in the first place:

The 'white' in the whitehead is pus, hence its name, pustule. Pus is an indication of infection. Infection occurs as a result of injury to the follicle- clogged with oil, debris and bacteria, an inflammatory response is triggered by the body and a 'pimple' is born.

NOTE: These steps are specifically for a raised pustule (pimple with a white head). If you have a papule which is a raised, red bump (sometimes sore as well), WITHOUT a white head on it- LEAVE IT ALONE. It will either eventually come to a head, or better yet, go away on its own. TIP: You can use a clay mask on the specific area to help dry it out before it becomes bigger or forms a head.

* Trying to extract something that does not have a 'head' on it will only lead to you breaking the skin, spreading bacteria, and prolonging healing.

1. WASH THOSE HANDS! There is nothing more disturbing to me than people picking at their face in the car, in line at the grocery store, in public- period! Our hands are filthy and full of germs. Add that to an already infected pimple and you're just asking for 'the pimple that just won't go away' or worse- a permanent scar.

2. Wash your face with a mild cleanser- using luke-warm water.

3. Exfoliate your skin with a gentle scrub. Don't scrub the actual 'pimple' too vigorously- use gentle circular motions. Chances are, if its sensitive to begin with, you won't want to touch it too much anyway.

4. For this next step, ideally, you would use disposable gloves or finger cots. If you have these to use great! If not, don't worry! You can wrap your index fingers with tissue paper.

5. With your fingers at a slant (DO NOT USE YOUR NAILS), find the closest point to the head of the pimple so that your fingers are on either side of it. Proceed by pushing slightly down, then up in a lifting motion. Gently move your fingers back and forth in a massaging motion, rotating them from up and down to side to side. Our follicles are never straight up and down, so squeezing from different angles is the most efficient way of extracting. Do this until you feel like you have extracted it completely. Make sure you blot, NOT WIPE, away the fluid that is coming out. Wiping spreads bacteria.

6. Apply an antiseptic solution. Hydrogen peroxide works great! If you have an antiseptic toner you may use that instead.

7. Apply Neosporin! Treat it as an open wound. This will help lessen the chance for re-infection and speed up the healing process.

Why it still hurts:

Two things can be occurring here- and in some cases both can be occurring simultaneously:

Picking randomly at pimples that are not 'ready', or in the stage to be extracted. In this case if you have picked at it, often times you can be spreading the bacteria beneath the skin and create a secondary infection from breaking the skin open.

Picking at something that wasn't ready to be extracted OR not extracting it completely. Typically you will see pus, clear fluid, blood mixed with more clear fluid, and pus again. TIP: If you gently push down on it and it still hurts; You didn't get it all!

Sometimes it is inevitable that the infection is deep in the pore and only a part of it is what you see above. If you wake up the next day to see another white head in the mirror, this may have been the case. Repeat steps above.

If you are dealing with acne and not just the occasional breakout, consult with your Dermatologist first!

Elle Stone RFS, LMT http://www.chasing20.com

When And How To Pop A Pimple Explained

Go through Rosacea Symptoms and Facts more

Rosacea (pronounced "roh-ZAY-sha") is mild to severe redness of the skin typically on the nose, cheeks, forehead or chin. Although it's most common on the face it can also appear on the scalp, ears and upper body.

Rosacea most often occurs in women after the age of 30 though it can appear at other ages and in men as well. People with fair skin and those who blush easily are most susceptible to rosacea, however it has been known to affect all skin types and ethnicities. It tends to run in families and has a higher incidence rate in people from the British Isles, Scandinavian countries and Eastern Europe.

In the early stages rosacea can be marked by flare-ups and then a retreat of symptoms. But over time and without medical intervention the symptoms get progressively worse. There is no cure for rosacea but there are many treatments that can lessen or reduce many of the unpleasant symptoms.

Symptoms Progress If Untreated

In mild form rosacea can appear like a blush on the cheeks but if the disorder progress untreated it can show up as red spider-like veins under the skin. Eventually pimple-like pustules or papules can form (a papule is a red bump like a pustule but with no white liquid inside).

As it progresses rosacea can cause thickening of the skin and eyelids. Often people with rosacea can develop watery, bloodshot eyes. In extreme cases the corneas themselves can become affected and without medical intervention vision can be endangered.

In men, a thick, red bulbous nose (called rhinophyma), typified by 1930s film star W.C. Fields, is a familiar characteristic of advanced rosacea. Rosacea symptoms are seen as worse in men but one theory for this is that men delay seeing a doctor until the disease has advanced.

Definitive Signs of Rosacea

The symptoms of rosacea increase over time if left untreated but the order in which they appear varies. According to the National Rosacea Society Expert Committee ( http://www.rosacea.org/class/classysystem.php ) people suffering from rosacea have at least one of the following conditions.

• Occasional flushing of the face. Sometimes this is later realized to have been the first sign of the disorder.

• Ongoing redness in the face; like a sunburn that never fades.

• Red bumps or pimples that might burn or sting. Similar to acne but without blackheads.

• Visible blood vessels on the skin.

Symptoms Common to Rosacea

• Rough or dry-looking skin.

• Spread of rosacea symptoms to upper body including chest, neck, ears and scalp.

• Raised, red sections of skin called "plaques" surrounded by normal skin.

• Itching, tightness or burning of the face.

• Thickening of skin, especially noticeable around eyelids and nose. The development of thickened skin on the nose is called rhinophyma and is seen more often in men.

• Edema or facial swelling is a potential rosacea symptom as is swelling of the eyes.

Affects Appearance and Confidence

Only in extreme cases does rosacea pose a health risk, but for appearance reasons alone it's something people want to treat right away before it progresses. Clearly it's hard to feel confident facing the world if you're self-conscious about facial lines and redness.

Medical Treatment Recommended

Lifestyle and skin care changes can help lessen symptoms but because rosacea gets worse over time it's strongly recommended that anyone suffering rosacea-like symptoms see a medical professional to receive a definitive diagnosis and learn about effective treatment options.

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Rosacea Symptoms and Facts

Read through Solutions To Eliminate Boils - Natural Herbs Can Help Get Rid Of A Boil far more

Skin boils are due to bacteria or fungi which are usually located in the skin surface. Damaged follicles of hair make it possible for these bacteria to get in deeply in to the hair follicle tissue and the underlying tissues. They could take place on any part of the human body. There are various solutions that show how to get rid of a boil.

Boils may be as tiny as a pea or perhaps as big as a golf ball. These types of protrusions are very unpleasant. A white-colored or yellowish head is formed in the center of the mass. Other skin boils such as acne are caused by infected and stopped up sweat glands. Individuals taking antibiotics have a very high potential for obtaining boils. Diabetics and anemics are susceptible to get this specific type of contamination too.

Boils which develop within groupings are known as carbuncles. Well before I present to you several solutions to eliminate boils I would like to tell you that I'm not a doctor and you should always consult with a health practitioner before making any kind of medical decision. These types of Boils collect pus and become incredibly sore. Using Tylenol is recommended. Boils in ear canals or noses are a few of these cases. Some boils can cause fever along with other complications. If you'd like to get healthy once more you then need to find out how to get rid of a boil.

Boils ought not to be drained in order to heal, due to the fact opening up the afflicted region can lead to more infections. However, now and again, emptying is applicable. use a cloth that has been soaked in warm, salty water and then apply to the affected area. Observe personal hygiene to avoid contaminating fellow members of your household. Put tea tree oil on the area and cover it with a bandage.

Many natural herbs can aid within your skin boil treatment plan. Baptisia Tinctora or wild indigo is one. Making use of it may alleviate soreness and pain. This specific plant has proven to help improve the natural resistance in the body. This can be a healthy solution to lessen the discomfort brought on by the boil.

A different herb is the Echinacea Angustifolia or purple cone flower. The particular roots of the bright colored plant are employed remedy carbuncles, blood poisoning and even septic injuries since the 1800s. The tonic functions on the burning sensation and also the irritation of the skin.

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Solutions To Eliminate Boils - Natural Herbs Can Help Get Rid Of A Boil

Read Dogs With Mange - Causes and Cures extra

When you see a dog with mange you immediately think it has been abused in some way and that your pup will never look like that. Well actually mange happens in the best of homes and your dog is just as susceptible as any other.

Mange is a condition caused by microscopic mites that bore into the skin of a dog and live their lives about one to two millimeters deep. They lay eggs which turn into larvae which turn into adults who find mates and start laying more eggs and the cycle just keeps going. As ugly as the dog looks, and as uncomfortable he is with the itching, the real threat is infection.

Mange cause a real strain on the dog's immune system as it tries to attack and eject the mites. That immune system can be further stressed by infection caused by the dog's constant scratching and rolling around. When a patch of skin becomes infected and the dog's defenses are weak, then you have the potential for much bigger problems.

Symptoms of mange

Knowing the symptoms is important because even the vet will have difficulty positively identifying mange. The standard test is to take a skin scrapping and placing it under the microscope. Unfortunately only about 20% of the mites are on the surface of the skin meaning there is an 8 out of 10 chance that the scrapping won't show any mites.

Typically mange first shows itself as hair loss particularly on the belly, haunches, ears and face. Bald patches of skin with pimple like bumps are also common with mange. Occasionally there will be a yellowish crust around the bald spot particularly on the ears.

Treatment for mange

The best treatment is prevention and that means using products like Frontline and Advantix which act as mite repellents. However when mange is present then it usually calls for a series of chemical dips which are not pleasant for either the dog or the person giving the dip.

You can help the immune system and the itchy skin by adding a teaspoon of olive oil to his food each day and also crushing up a vitamin E supplement.

Lastly, if you have any other pets in the house you need to treat them as well even if they don't have symptoms as mange is highly contagious. Of course you're going to want to do an extensive cleaning of the house and anything that your dog touched to kill off any mites he might have shed.

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For more detailed information on dogs with mange and a list of great home remedies for the condition click here.

Dogs With Mange - Causes and Cures

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Study Seven Ways to Get Him to Commit to You and Your Relationship more

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At the start of your love affair with him, you just know that the spark is all around you. Excitement rushes in as you carefully plan for your first few meetings to avoid moments of boredom and sluggishness. But as time passes by, that romantic feeling melts away. With a woman's natural longing for security in a relationship, you wonder how you will keep the music playing. You ponder over things that can get him to commit to your relationship.

Accept him for who he is.

Like the way you treat the people close to you, get acquainted with his real character and don't try to change the way he is. A man is always happy with someone who doesn't push him to be who he is not. In the same way, don't wear a mask on your face to hide your pimples. A man puts high regard to a girlfriend who's comfortable with herself and who doesn't feel awkward with his presence.

Communicate your ideas.

Share the ideas you have in mind. Don't be scared to share your ideas, from the silliest joke you can think of to the highly philosophical aspects of war. Be bold enough to say what you think, from your corniest one-liners to your deepest sentiments about war. As how you'd want him to, listen with all ears to his stories. Don't forget that attachment springs from trust and trust springs from communication.

Enjoy things together.

Do stuffs you're crazy about together. If you're both food freaks, explore various cuisines available around. Learn to give and take, like the way you demonstrate little acts of kindness to your friend. If he's into anime, try to recognize the powers of amazing ninjas in Naruto. Make your world bigger and better.

Prove to him he's well-loved.

Say the magic words from time to time genuinely. Write him poems and letters, bake him a cake, plan birthday surprises and sing him songs. If these are antique practices for you, be innovative enough to use resources available in the modern world.

Cuddle each other.

To get him to commit to your relationship, don't forget the physical aspect of love. It doesn't necessarily mean spending the night sleeping in the same bed. Your warm embrace and loving smacks are already sweet reminders of your affection. If you're fond of ribbing him, tickle his armpit, nibble his ears or touch his toes with yours under the table. There can be a lot of ways to be playful or to manifest the art of physical seduction.

Acquaint him with your loved ones.

He'll definitely feel proud if you ask him to join a family reunion or a gathering with your long lost friends. Don't shut him up when he wants to speak or don't just let him watch you and your buddies prepare for a certain big event. Socialization with new people gives him a sense of belongingness. It can be more rewarding for him as they are the people you interact with in your life.

Plan your future.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery is famous for the saying, love does not only consist in gazing at each other but also in looking together in the same direction. This isn't just a minor subject as it may require significant decisions in your life. Deal with things as they come. Don't hurry. Love isn't about reaching the finish line first.

Indeed, it is a serious challenge to get him to commit to you and your relationship. It's hard because the road isn't paved. But if you're truly in love with your man, you won't easily give up and let the song fade away. And a man who values this may even hum a tune with her forever.

Infidelity is one of the causes that make many relationship fall apart. Read boyfriend is cheating on me to find out how to fix the relationship and regain the lost trust. If you need more professional help in this matter, see Relationship Recovery review.

Seven Ways to Get Him to Commit to You and Your Relationship

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Examine Steps to Take in Order to Get Rid of Scars on the Face additional

Those scars that are on our face are more than often scars that are hard to get rid of and chances are you are trying to avoid them. Those facial scars can be more than emotional to any race, both males and females. Acne doesn't last nearly as long as those scars from the acne do and that is why we are writing this article. Within this article, we are going to tell you some ways of how to get rid of scars on face. If you have scars on your face, then chances are you have heard the phrases, crater face, pizza face and pit face. Yes, it's a cruel word out there. However, there are drugs that have been recently developed in order to get rid of those scars. Those medications can help reduce the scarring that acne can do the face.

There are many acne scar sufferers in the world today and there is enough scar medication to go around. Generally, the acne scars that are found on the face come in the form of small pit type scaring, or if you are dealing with severe cases, you may have larger craters that are like scars. During the youthful years, acne can be something that is painful to go through. The procedures in order to get rid of the scars on the face vary. In the more severe cases of scars, the physical will need to determine just what the correct type of treatment is going to be. They may also look at the medical history of the individuals, the type of acne scar it is and the severity of the scarring.

As we stated, there are a number of different methods and treatments you can use in order to get rid of scaring on the face. Some of those treatments involve chemical peels, dermabrasion, autologous, collagen injections, punch grafts, fat transfer and laser resurfacing. Below, you are going to find a small explanation of each one of these.

First, you have dermabrasion, which is often referred to as skin planning.  This is generally used to create a number of different scars on the face. It includes going under anesthetics and having the damage removed. The chemical peels are another great way to help eliminate those scars that are on the face. The chemical peels will not only be getting rid of those facial scars, but it will also be enhancing the complexion and appearance, not to mention the self-confidence levels will be going up. This process is best if done on scars that are not so deep or severe. Next, you have collagen injections, which are naturally wrinkle filler, but it can be used to reduce the scaring found on skin. When the dermatologist injects this into your skin, it will create a smoother look to your face. The autologous fat transfer is a lot like collagen injections. Punch grafts are very successful as it generally transplants skin grafts that are taken from behind your ear and grafts it over the scars. Laser resurfacing is very popular and you will be going under the laser that will help to eliminate those scars to your face.

As these medical treatments are very expensive, you could first try a natural method that is proven to work on many different types of skin marks and can also reduce the visibility of scars. Doing this you mights save hundreds of dollars - but don't believe just any promises that all the natural cures promise - choose the right one.

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Do you have age spots or other skin marks? Do you think they should be removed? Do you have lower self-esteem because of the age spots?

Read about how you can remove skin marks natural and non-surgical way.

Steps to Take in Order to Get Rid of Scars on the Face

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Go through Acne Scar Removal Surgery - A Brief Study On Scar Removal Treatments a lot more

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Mild Acne scars disappear over a period of time. But at times, severe scars resulting from acne cysts and nodules can leave a permanent impression on the skin. To treat severe scars, Acne surgery can be resorted to.

A lot of factors need to be considered before resorting to get an acne scar removal surgery done. It has to be done by a well experienced surgeon who has handled such surgeries before. It would also help if you were referred by someone who has experienced good success in treating scars with the help of the surgeon.

Depending on the type and severity of scarring, appropriate scar treatment surgery method could be employed. Some of the widely used treatment surgery methods are discussed below:

1. Punch Excision:

Punch Excision involves surgically removing the portion of the scarred portion of the skin. The skin can then be sutured and left to heal by itself. It is used to treat Ice pick scars that do not cover a huge surface area of the skin. The face would be bandaged after the surgery and hospitalization would be a necessity. This Surgery is usually carried out on a local anaesthetic.

2. Skin Grafting with Punch Excision:

At times when the scarred skin covers a large surface area of the skin, punch excision needs to be coupled with skin grafting. Punch excision could be performed as discussed above to scrape out the scarred portion of the skin. Since, the scarred skin surface area is large, a skin graft needs to be performed by taking a portion of skin from the body, usually from the back of the ear and replacing the scraped out pit on the skin caused by the excision of the scar.

3. Fat Transfer for Scar Pits:

This method is used to treat huge pits left by acne scars. Fat taken from the body is injected under the pit. This can cover the depressions left by the acne scar. However, fat needs to be injected from time to time as the skin has the tendency to absorb the fat into its layers.

Precaution needs to be taken before resorting to acne scar removal surgeries as it opens out the possibility of infections as a result of open wounds. It needs to be done with the hands of an experienced surgeon.

Ajith writes for http://www.acnescar-removaltreatments.com where you will find the best treatments for Acne Scar Removal with their Pros and Cons. For a Detailed information and resources on all top Acne scar removal treatments available as of today, visit Acne Scar Removal

Acne Scar Removal Surgery - A Brief Study On Scar Removal Treatments

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Go through How To Avoid Painful Infected Pimples Which Can Cause Scars far more

How To Avoid Painful Infected Pimples Which Can Cause Scars


If you've ever had an infected pimple, then you know exactly how agonizingly painful and ugly they can be. Not only that, they can potentially become ugly acne scars. Infected pimples are generally much larger than whiteheads or blackheads. They are usually bright red, and full of pus. It's painful to touch them, and they are most common on the face. This is because the facial oil glands tend to be very active. Sometimes, though, they will occur on the neck, upper back or shoulders.

Generally, a pimple forms because the skin pores are blocked. This is caused by an accumulation of dead skin cells and sebum. There are always lots of skin bacteria present on the surface of the skin, and these are normally harmless. However once they get trapped in the skin pore, they help the pimple to become infected.

Once the infection occurs, the immune system springs into action, producing macrophages and monocytes to fight off the infection. These eat up the bacterial cells, and the remaining residue left behind in the pore erupts into a pus filled pimple. Pus is simply a mixture of toxins, fluids and dead cells. The dead cells are a mix of skin cells and bacterial cells. The problem is that pus can help encourage a secondary infection, which can make the existing acne problem even worse.

When you see a big, throbbing pimple on your face, it's very tempting to pop it. But beware - that's basically the worst thing you can do. Pimples are a little like icebergs - the pus filled papule is only about 40% of the total pimple. The rest is lurking deep under the skin. Popping the pimple actually pushes the pimple deeper into the skin, particularly if it's done in an unhygienic way. This makes the condition worse, and often leads to nearby follicles becoming infected as well.

When you've had an outbreak of acne, the surrounding area is very sensitive. The situation can be aggravated by the slightest irritation of the skin. When you burst a pimple and release all the pus, you risk triggering further outbreaks in uninfected areas. Popped pimples are also more susceptible to secondary infections and the formation of scars.

If you're patient, the swelling and redness will be substantially reduced after 2-3 days. The pimple will start to dry out and then wither away. It's important to follow some healthy practices if you want to control acne breakouts in an effective manner. Eat a healthy diet that includes a lot of fluid. This helps to restore the biochemical balance of your body. Wash your hands and face at least twice a day, using an antiseptic solution. Also clean your skin just before going to bed, using a mild cleanser. This will help flush your skin free of oil and dirt.

Avoid acne scarring by finding more acne prevention tips at http://www.best-acne-solutions.info, a website that specializes in providing acne related tips, advice, resources and information on different types of acne that can develop on your body.

Examine Acne Removal Treatment - How to Cure Your Acne Fast and Permanently a lot more

There is lots of acne removal treatment and products in the market that promises us that it can cure our acne fast but how many of them are really effective?

I had tried countless of acne products in the market and I find that they are often giving me little or short term results. However some of them even damage our health or skin after using them for a period of time.

Conventional ways of treating acne fails to see to the root of the problem. It usually consists of you eating antibiotics, Accutane, using creams or taking oral contraceptives. However these are synthetic chemicals that are incompatible with our body. These drugs often calm the pain and treating the symptoms of acne instead of getting to the underlying cause of acne.

I had tried taking antibiotics, accutane and using Benzoyl Peroxide (acne creams) to treat my acne however none of them are effective acne removal treatment. Antibiotics instead kill off the good and bad bacteria in the body and can be destructive to our overall health. The creams that I used are also killing only the bacteria on the surface of the skin and usually my next pimple will breakout before the previous one has healed. Benzoyl Peroxide cream also dries out the surface of your skin that can cause more blockages of your mores that lead to acne.

Accutane had made my acne worse initially when I start taking it and my acne condition did improve after that. But I suffered from various side effects like chapped lips, nose bleeding, red and dry skin. The good days are limited too since once I stop taking accutane, my acne came back again.

These are only ways that we used to patch up the holes in the boat. Conventional treatment only provides you with short term solution without a real permanent answer for acne. Imagine you are sleeping and your alarm clock is ringing. You can put in ear plug or cover your ears with pillows but the alarm clock won't stop ringing until you wake up and press the stop button.

The best acne removal treatment that you can use is to adopt the holistic medicine way. This way of treatment yields to nature and it is based on the beliefs that with a health body environment, diseases do cannot exist in it. So how do we create a body environment that does not allow diseases (acne) to strive in?

There are a few factors involved and one of them is our diet. There is a study on the connection with diet and acne and this study claims that non-Western populations such as tribes that hunts and gather food has low blood insulin level and there is rarely any cases of acne. However Western populations has high blood insulin level and suffered from lots of chronic illnesses and one of them is acne.

Our blood insulin level is determined by the amount sugar that we have in our diet. This sugar comes from high sugar content drinks (carbonated water like soda), white bread, pasta, white rice and chocolates. Our fluctuations in blood sugar level then cause a rise in insulin level that leads to a decrease in a good hormone that promotes skin cell death. When this hormone is reduced, pores are clogged more easily. It is also possible that your body may not be producing as many other beneficial hormones that is anti inflammatory that can reduce inflammation found in acne.

To effectively treat acne, you will need to alter your diet. Replace these refined carbohydrates like white rice and bread with complex carbohydrates like brown rice and whole grains. You will also have to avoid sugary snacks and soda as these foods contain high amount of sugars. There are lots of factors involved in the holistic acne removal treatment and altering our diet is only the first step of curing our acne permanently. But it is also able to provide you results in a matter of days after you change your diet plan.

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Next, learn more more about the holistic acne removal treatment.

Joseph is a past acne sufferer and he discovered the methods that helped him to cure his acne in just a few days time. Visit Acne Healing Blog to learn how to cure your acne fast and naturally.

Acne Removal Treatment - How to Cure Your Acne Fast and Permanently

Study Home Remedies For Pimples - Remove Pimple Marks on the Face Overnight a lot more

Home Remedies For Pimples - Remove Pimple Marks on the Face Overnight


There comes a time in everyone's life when they are faced with an undesirable yet extremely nagging issue and they are desperate to do away with it. One such issue is acne which in fact is a skin disorder where pimples form on the skin. These pimples can be greatly discomforting and even sometimes painful thus calling for treatment. Among the treatments that can be rendered, home remedies for pimples are the most secure way to go.

Pimples will generally form on the skin of a person whose skin pores are blocked. In the pores of the skin, there are sebaceous glands which produce oil (sebum). With time, the outer layer of the skin will shed and the dead skin cells that remain behind soon become stuck together by the sebum. This leads to some sort of blockage in within the pore mostly when the skin gets thicker around puberty or early years of adolescence. The glands produce more oil which eventually collects just behind the blockage. This sebum unfortunately harbors a good host of bacteria including the one that gives rise to the pimples. Home remedies for pimples will clear all pimples including whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, nodules and cysts.

The treatment of pimples has created plenty of controversy over the years with some people recommending certain treatments that have actually worsened the situation for some acne sufferers. Pimples have been a huge problem for adolescents, teenagers, and even adults. When one sees pimples on their face, they are bound to feel very unpleasant if not embarrassed. However, that should not be the case because the truth is that these pimples can be healed and the condition can be made better. The icing on the cake is that one can actually use home remedies for pimples because they will expect to get healed within their own home. Healing pimples could not have been easier and cheaper than this!

First of all, pimples react quite positively to niacin also known as vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid. It is a colorless solid which you should mix in water and then apply on the affected area for at least three times a day. The second among the home remedies for pimples is the use of cucumber. Apply grated cucumber over the affected area if you want to treat the pimples or blackheads. Ideally, this will take a period of 15 to 20 minutes. Another example among the home remedies for acne that will work for you is mixing one teaspoon of coriander juice, combined with a pinch of turmeric powder. Each night, after washing the face well, make it a point to apply the juice for greater results.

The problem of pimples is far more reaching than one might think because many a time, it will take you more than one or two attempts at treating it to actually land on the exact treatment that will work for your skin. Why not save all the trial and error by using home remedies for pimples to clear and rid yourself of this infection easily, quickly and cheaply?

Next, visit natural acne treatment at home to get started immediately on curing acne by using the proper acne solution. Also read our detailed review of acne free in 3 days to see if their popular acne solution is right for you.

Understand 10 Make-Up Tricks You Must Know more

10 Make-Up Tricks You Must Know

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Couldn't figure out the perfect way to apply make-up? Don't worry! That's why we're here!


   1. Dusting light powder down the bridge of the nose makes it look thinner also when applying a darker color at the tip of the nose makes it appear shorter.

   2. Instead of fully lining the lips, draw a sideways-V shape on each outer corner. This will make your lips look fuller and more natural than overall lining.

   3. Apply mascara only on the outer upper corners of the lash line, it lifts the eye and makes it look more open, in addition more natural.

   4. Brush your lips softly with a toothbrush before applying lip gloss and the lip gloss will stay on longer.

   5. Applying black eyeliner just half way under the eyes and an top lash line will make your eyes look bigger and sexy.

   6. If you apply blush/bronzer closer to the center of your face, it makes the face look longer and slimmer, whereas applying bronzer/blush near the ears and away from the nose/center makes the face look wider.

   7. Put some green make-up on red pimples before applying concealer to help reduce the obvious redness.

   8. Apply eyeliner to top lash line to make eyelashes look thicker and longer.

   9. Apply Vaseline® to lashes at night to make them healthy and fuller. You can also apply it in a way that your lashes are curled in the morning. Just create a curl on your lashes with the Vaseline® and they should be kinda curly in the morning.

  10. Too much foundation can make your skin look worse. Don't exaggerate, less is more! ;-)

For more visit [http://blog.glowlikeastar.com]

Go through Four Sub-Types Of Rosacea - Signs, Symptoms And Treatment additional

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Rosacea is a general skin disease. There are several signs and symptoms that have been separated by researchers into four subtypes of rosacea. To detect rosacea, the individual must have one of the given primary features. They may also be apt to have harsh secondary features.

Primary features

• Bumps and pimples
• Flush that appears and disappears
• Constant reddening
• Detectable blood vessels

Experiencing one or two of the above characteristics does not signify that the person is suffering from rosacea. Nevertheless lacking of one of these aspects will not help to diagnose rosacea because it is rare.

Secondary features

People suffering from rosacea with primary features can also be likely to have signs and symptoms of secondary features. Nevertheless, some sufferers may experience one or two of the secondary features given below.

• Burning or throbbing of the facial skin
• Facial inflammation
• Appearance of facial dry skin
• Lifted red patches
• Eye issues including itching, burning or cyst on the eye-lid
• Thickening of skin around the nose

Four distinct sub-types of rosacea

Sub-type1: Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea

(Facial redness, visible blood vessels and flushing)

Signs and symptoms:

• Reddening and continuous redness of the mid-face is the main feature
• Blood vessels are often visible
• Puffing up of the mid-face
• Sensation of throbbing and burning
• Rough and dry skin

Subtype 2: Papulopustular rosacea

(Bumps and pussy abrasions)

Signs and symptoms:

• Bumps that look like acne and pussy lesions are formed and are generally called 'acne rosacea'. Pussy acne has a tendency to emerge and vanish. It may also come out with constant facial redness, mainly on the mid-face

• Scorching and tingling sensation may be experienced on the face

• Perceptible blood vessels might possibly be there

Subtype 3: Phymatous rosacea

(Thickening of the nose skin)

Signs and symptoms:

• Thickening of skin particularly on the nose.
• Skin texture of the chin, cheeks, forehead and ear can also get affected
• Large pores or discernible blood vessels might possibly be seen on the affected area

Subtype 4: Ocular rosacea


The eyes are affected in this sub-kind of rosacea. There may be a risk of vision loss and must be treated by skilled ophthalmologist.

Signs and symptoms:

• Prickly, itching, burning or hurting sensation in the eye
• Bloodshot or watery appearance of the eye
• Dryness
• Sensitivity to light rays
• Blurred vision or decrease in visual sharpness
• Cyst on the lid of the eye

Certain myths regarding rosacea are exposed here.

1. Rosacea can be treated: Dermatologists never reveal the truth that there is no treatment for this skin disease. However, treatment helps to relieve the soreness and avert rosacea from getting bad.

2. Rosacea is infectious: It cannot be caught from swimming, kissing nor having sex with person suffering from rosacea.

3. Drinking triggers rosacea: Alcohol does not root rosacea, but it can deteriorate the symptoms of rosacea.

4. Rosacea has the ability to last longer: With or with no treatment, rosacea is volatile. Several people have suffered from this disease life long. Many people also noticed their rosacea cleared.

Appropriate skin care can ease the warning signs. Dermatologists diagnose the subtype and plan a treatment, according to your skin texture. Even gentle skin care helps to reduce irritation and cools the skin.

Recommendation of skin care by dermatologists:

• Rubbing or scrubbing of facial skin that is affected by rosacea because it can aggravate the skin.
• Wash you face gently with warm water not hot. Make use of mild and fragrance free cleanser.
• Apply this lather tenderly with your fingertips.
• Gently stroke the water with a porous cotton towel.
• Apply medication prior to applying sunscreen lotion or make-up.
• Avoid using sunscreen lotion that contains fragrance or alcohol.
• Choose skin care products and make-up cautiously.

Gentle care of your skin, when used with rosacea treatment is extremely helpful in keeping rosacea disciplined.

Mallika likes to read and write about different experiences that are faced by people around her. She loves to share them with everyone.

Four Sub-Types Of Rosacea - Signs, Symptoms And Treatment

Examine Pimple Treatment extra

It is very important to state clearly that both pimples and acne is one and the same thing. When we talk of pimple treatment, we are also talking of acne treatment; one cannot be separated from the other. You will also need to understand that there is no secrecy or magic that is involved in treating your acne. You can simply carry out the treatment without much ado. What you need to do in this regard is not so difficult to get done; you may not even require the help of any health expert for your pimple treatment.

You can treat your pimples by making use of certain antibiotics and you can treat it by going the natural way; without having to make use of any form of antibiotics. While intending to make use of antibiotics, you will need to understand the fact that you will not be able to use the antibiotics on your own without a doctor's prescription. You will need to visit a physician before you can endeavor to make use of this method for pimple treatment.

In fact, the use of antibiotics is the great secret that will help you to get rid of any pimple that had become very severe. If your pimple is already swollen and red, your only option will be to make use of antibiotics. If you have tried to make use of other forms of medications and treatment methods to treat your pimple without result, you will do well to turn to antibiotics for your effective pimple treatment.

While you are making use of the antibiotics, you will need to take your doctors prescriptions and advices very seriously. It is better to complete the dosage that the doctor has prescribed so as not to worsen your situation. Taking a lot of water along with the antibiotics is also very important. This will enable your body to cope well with the antibiotics. Some people do end up getting their skin to become very sensitive because of the constant usage of the antibiotics. To prevent the sun from affecting your sensitive skin negatively, you will do well to wear sunscreen any time that you want to venture outdoor.

While making use the antibiotics prescribed to you by the physician, you will need to support your pimple treatment with certain natural actions. A regular washing of your skin is very essential. It is important that you carry out a gentle washing of your skin for at least twice in a day. This gentle washing will help to get rid of bacteria and dirt from your skin. You only need to do this twice in a day; excessive washing of the skin can have adverse effect.

Your cream should contain moisturizer so as not to end up with an excessively dry skin. It is also very important that you avoid the use of any cosmetics that is oil based. Any oil based cosmetic should be avoided as much as possible. You will surely be the better for it.


Acne Treatment Acne treatment and best rated acne products. Acne treatment products for skin care. Acne Products See the acne treatments reviews.

Pimple Treatment


Go through Get Rid of a Pimple Fast in an Emergency a lot more

The best way to treat acne long-term is with an appropriate holistic all-natural regimen which treats the acne from the inside out. However, there are times when there is a huge temptation to get rid of a pimple fast. Perhaps it's your birthday, or your wedding day, and you want clear skin for the photos. Perhaps you have a job interview, or a first date, and you don't want to deal with the self-consciousness of an obvious pimple.

First, let's deal with a myth. I used to hear a lot that toothpaste (but not tooth gel) applied at night and left on the skin would get rid of a pimple fast. Alas, that may have been true at one time, but now toothpaste does not contain zinc. It was the zinc ingredient, which is a known anti-inflammatory, which might have been the ingredient which helped get rid of a pimple fast. As toothpaste does not have this ingredient anymore, at least in the US, the potential benefit to get rid of a pimple fast simply does not exist anymore. If indeed it ever worked!

Some dermatologists will recommend applying a hydrocortisone cream. An anti-inflammatory topical cream, this will certainly eliminate some of the redness. Beware though, there is a risk that overuse will exacerbate your acne. He or she, in a real emergency, may try a steroid injection. This works the same way as a hydrocortisone lotion or cream, but it is more effective because it is more direct, and the doctor can hit the exact spot needing treatment.

It is really not practical to go to the doctor for an injection every time you have a pimple, but in a dire emergency, it is an option you should at least be aware of. Also, a reputable doctor will not resort to such injections on a whim, so don't abuse this option. It is not good for you long-term anyway.

Many people are tempted to take the direct approach to get rid of a pimple fast. They just want to pop it. This is usually a very, very bad idea. First, it can lead to scarring. Second, you can actually end up driving the acne-causing bacteria deeper and spread the outbreak. Instead of one pimple, you end up with multiple pimples, and I'm sure that wasn't the objective.

If you absolutely must pop that zit, then there is a right way and a wrong way. Only those pimples which are clearly matured, with visible white or off white centers that have risen to the point where the puss-like core is visible, are safe to pop. Never use your fingers or nails, indeed avoid direct skin contact near the pimple, as you may introduce more dirt or bacteria into the pore or an adjoining one.

Wash your hand thoroughly. Then take a clean washcloth, soaked in hot water, and press it against the area for about five to seven minutes. Finally, use two cotton balls and press against the sides of the pimple gently. If it doesn't pop with gentle pressure, then it is not ready to pop, and you should stop. But sometimes this works effectively.

What you really need is a complete program to permanently eliminate acne by dealing with the production of acne-causing bacteria and addressing the environment in which the bacteria can thrive. Why wait to have to deal with an emergency pimple. Why not cure your acne permanently so that you never have to worry about how to get rid of a pimple!


Best Natural Treatments

Discover the best Home Remedies at http://strongly-recommended.com/!

Get Rid of a Pimple Fast in an Emergency


Go through Ice Pick Acne Scars - Get Rid of Ice Pick Acne Scars Permanently much more

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Atrophic scars, such as ice-pick scars, boxcar scars and even small depressed fibrotic scars can be removed or certainly improved by a punch excision of each individual scar.

With this procedure each scar is cut down to the layer of subcutaneous fat and the resulting hole is then repaired with sutures or small skin grafts.

Another option is for the punch to be simply elevated, there are three simple techniques that can do this:-

1) Punch excision: - This is when the pitted scar is removed by a cookie cutter like tool that punches out small portions of skin, and then the surrounding healthy skin is joined together by suturing.

2) Punch replacement: - Similar to the punch excision, the scar is removed and then replaced with a skin graft of unscarred skin, usually taken from behind the person's ear. This has been a successful method for treating deep scars.

3) Punch elevation:- As the title suggests, this is where the scar is punched out, but not discarded and allowed to float up to the level of surrounding skin, creating a more even skin tone.

Alternatively laser treatments can be used, which is costly but a more effective way to remove acne scars both quickly and permanently.

Laser acne treatment is normally carried out by dermatologists in their laser clinics or in hospitals. These treatments are carried out with the help of wave lengths of different intensity levels, due to the different levels of scarring.

Having laser acne treatment done will not only remove acne bacteria but also assist in reducing the red skin that is usually associated with acne and pimples.

For most acne patients, a single treatment is normally all that is required, but for others with more severe acne, further treatments may be required. Alternatively a different laser treatment can be performed with the help of the ablative laser which eliminates the outer layers of the skin with the scar tissues creating a lower visibility of the acne scar.

Acne isn't fun, whatever your age! Take control of your acne today, visit Acne Facts [http://www.acnebenzoylperoxide.org] for more information, tips & resources now! Learn about acne benzoyl peroxide [http://www.acnebenzoylperoxide.org], celebrity skin care treatment and much more...

Ice Pick Acne Scars - Get Rid of Ice Pick Acne Scars Permanently

Go through How To Avoid Painful Infected Pimples Which Can Cause Scars much more

If you've ever had an infected pimple, then you know exactly how agonizingly painful and ugly they can be. Not only that, they can potentially become ugly acne scars. Infected pimples are generally much larger than whiteheads or blackheads. They are usually bright red, and full of pus. It's painful to touch them, and they are most common on the face. This is because the facial oil glands tend to be very active. Sometimes, though, they will occur on the neck, upper back or shoulders.

Generally, a pimple forms because the skin pores are blocked. This is caused by an accumulation of dead skin cells and sebum. There are always lots of skin bacteria present on the surface of the skin, and these are normally harmless. However once they get trapped in the skin pore, they help the pimple to become infected.

Once the infection occurs, the immune system springs into action, producing macrophages and monocytes to fight off the infection. These eat up the bacterial cells, and the remaining residue left behind in the pore erupts into a pus filled pimple. Pus is simply a mixture of toxins, fluids and dead cells. The dead cells are a mix of skin cells and bacterial cells. The problem is that pus can help encourage a secondary infection, which can make the existing acne problem even worse.

When you see a big, throbbing pimple on your face, it's very tempting to pop it. But beware - that's basically the worst thing you can do. Pimples are a little like icebergs - the pus filled papule is only about 40% of the total pimple. The rest is lurking deep under the skin. Popping the pimple actually pushes the pimple deeper into the skin, particularly if it's done in an unhygienic way. This makes the condition worse, and often leads to nearby follicles becoming infected as well.

When you've had an outbreak of acne, the surrounding area is very sensitive. The situation can be aggravated by the slightest irritation of the skin. When you burst a pimple and release all the pus, you risk triggering further outbreaks in uninfected areas. Popped pimples are also more susceptible to secondary infections and the formation of scars.

If you're patient, the swelling and redness will be substantially reduced after 2-3 days. The pimple will start to dry out and then wither away. It's important to follow some healthy practices if you want to control acne breakouts in an effective manner. Eat a healthy diet that includes a lot of fluid. This helps to restore the biochemical balance of your body. Wash your hands and face at least twice a day, using an antiseptic solution. Also clean your skin just before going to bed, using a mild cleanser. This will help flush your skin free of oil and dirt.

Avoid acne scarring by finding more acne prevention tips at http://www.best-acne-solutions.info, a website that specializes in providing acne related tips, advice, resources and information on different types of acne that can develop on your body.

How To Avoid Painful Infected Pimples Which Can Cause Scars


Examine What Causes Rosacea? more

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Rosacea is a skin condition resembling a bad case of acne. There are no blackheads or whiteheads, but there may be crusty pimples (papules), pus-filled pimples (pustules), or a cosmetically damaging called rhinophyma, a bulbous, enlarged red nose and puffy cheeks. Rosacea can also cause greasy skin (seborrhea) or spider veins (telangiectasia).

As many as 14 million people in North America alone may have rosacea. It typically first appears when people reach their 30s and 40s. There is a subtle redness, generally just mild flushing, on the nose, cheeks, chin or forehead.

Left untreated, rosacea tends to worsen over time. The redness lasts longer and longer. By the age of 60, rosacea involves the eyes, causing them to be irritated and bloodshot and to feel gritty. In advanced cases, the nose may become red and swollen from excess tissue, the condition known as rhinophyma.

The only way to explain the findings of researchers of rosacea is to conclude that the disease results from multiple factors. A number of investigations have linked rosacea to the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, the "bug" that causes peptic ulcers. A recent Japanese study found that this microorganism is found in 65 percent of rosacea patients, but in 70 percent of the population as a whole.

This would seem to suggest that the bacterium does not cause rosacea. Nonetheless, an antibody associated with eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection was found in 100 percent of patients who completely recovered from rosacea after antibiotic treatment.

These confusing results seem to suggest that getting infected with the bacterium does not cause rosacea, but killing the bacterium with antibiotics cures it. Most physicians who treat rosacea avoid prescribing antibiotics except on a short-term basis for severe symptoms.

Another large body of scientific investigation has linked rosacea to the house mite Demodex follicularum. This microscopic relative of spiders normally inhabits healthy skin. It feeds on sebum, an oil secreted by the skin, and the first place it will be noticed is under the eyelashes. (If you have mites under your eyelids you will definitely notice the symptoms: sticky eyes, burning eyes, itchy eyes.) The microscopic arachnid also likes facial skin, forehead, cheeks, the external ear channels of humans, or just about anywhere on dogs, where it causes mange.

Infestations of Demodex follicularum are probably found in only about 20 percent of people who have rosacea. Eliminating the mite from the skin, however, often cures the disease. Scientists testing laboratory animals in the late 1920's found that mite only infects riboflavin-deficient skin. You don't have to get rid of your mangy dog if both you and your pet get vitamin treatment.

Yet another stream of research has attempted to explain rosacea in terms of facial flushing. Medical textbooks will tell you that the disease is more common in cold climates, where people get red faces from exposure to the weather. Exposure to sun, however, is just as likely to cause rosacea as exposure to cold, and dry air poses unique problems.

If you've ever gone swimming on a 90ยบ day in, say, Phoenix (for readers outside the United States, I should explain that temperature is in Fahrenheit rather than Celsius, although the ground temperature can actually reach 90ยบ C), chances are you got the shivers when you got out of the pool. The extreme dryness of the air causes flash drying on the skin and a very rapid release of body heat. The skin reaction you would experience on a summer night in Arizona is the same as you would experience on a winter night in a northerly location.

People who have rosacea usually have sun-damaged skin, in which connective tissues have broken down. These loose tissues do not support the blood vessels of the skin, some scientists reason, and allow inflammatory cytokines from the immune system to accumulate and cause outbreaks.

Add to all these contributors to rosacea a final factor, stress. When people are under stress, microscopic packets in the ends of nerve cells serving the skin to break open and release adrenaline and Substance P, a chemical that helps nerve signals jump from cell to cell. Once in the bloodstream, Substance P eventually reaches the skin and signals the cells that make oils to grow not only in numbers but also in productivity. Under conditions of stress, greatly increased numbers of sebum glands pour out greatly increased amounts of oily sebum into follicles. Stress may be emotional, physical, or environmental. Simply becoming dehydrated on a hot summer day is enough stress to trigger an outbreak.

Who is at risk for rosacea? This skin condition is more frequently treated in women but occurs with equal frequency in men and women, and in all races. Symptoms are recognized at a later stage in persons of African descent. The eyes are affected in about 50 percent of people who have the disease.

Read more about skincare topics such exfoliating, ultrasound skin therapy, face roller and home use facial machine.

What Causes Rosacea?

Examine Pimple Remedies - Natural Ways to Treat Your Pimples a lot more

Pimple remedies

Pimples are caused by the blockage of pores due to dirt and excess oil. Dead skin cells is also one of the causes of pimples. When we do not exfoliate them from our skin, they form blockages that are visible from the outside in the form of blackhead or whitehead. There are lots of ways we can use to help us cure our pimples but we only need to find a few of them which are effective for us.

Instead of using over the counter products that never seem to cure pimples as they do not treat the root of the problem, it is better to use home herbal remedies. You may not believe it, but natural methods are more effective and safer pimple remedies. The first step you should take in curing your pimples is to introduce more vegetables and fruits into your diet. These food provide the necessary nutrients and minerals to help us keep our immune system strong. A strong immune system can help to fight against bacteria that cause pimples.

Try to adopt a raw food/vegetarian diet. Doing this will help to detox the body. We are eating more processed food nowadays and this cause toxins to accumulate in our body. A diet that consist of majority of raw food will help the body to clean itself. Application of creams only removes the symptoms but does not go to the root of the problem which is the toxins accumulated by our bad eating habits.

Clean your face twice daily and do not clean it too often. If you wash your face too many times in a day, you are washing away the protective layer on the skin. Avoid popping your pimple and squeezing pus from it. It is very tempting to do so but doing so can cause your condition to worsen and may cause scarring.


Next, find out other natural pimple remedies to help you cure your acne.

Joseph used natural methods to cure his pimples permanently in 3 days time. Visit Acne Healing Blog to find out more natural methods you can use to cure your pimples permanently in 3 days time.

Pimple Remedies - Natural Ways to Treat Your Pimples


Study Chickenpox Itching and Relief a lot more

If you ask everyone you know to make a list of childhood diseases, chickenpox will be on just about everyone's list, and you can't think about Chickenpox without thinking about Chickenpox itching.

The virus that causes Chickenpox is varicella-zoster. It usually occurs in children. Although it can occur in adults and when it does it is a more severe issue. The disease produces an itchy red bumpy rash all over the body and the face. These bumps are usually spread over the body through scratching of the rash and then touching unaffected areas.

The red bumps resemble pimples and are filled with clear fluid that turns cloudy. When they eventually pop, they crust and produce scabs as they dry out.

Chickenpox Symptoms

Those with chickenpox notice the rash and itching more than anything else, but there are other symptoms that children may feel such as myalgia, nausea, fever, headache, sore throat, pain in both ears, complaints of pressure in head or swollen face, and malaise in adolescents and adults. In rare cases, chickenpox can lead to serious bacterial or viral infections that affect the brain, joints and bones.

Chickenpox is highly contagious airborne disease. It can spread easily through coughing or sneezing of ill individuals or through direct contact with secretions from the rash. A person with chickenpox is infectious one to two days before the rash appears. The contagious period continues for 4 to 5 days after the appearance of the rash, or until all lesions have crusted over. If your child has it, don't let them go to school as they can pass the virus to others until the bumps pop and scab over.

Stopping the Itch

The child's immune system will usually defeat the virus so your attention can be focused on treating the symptoms. A word of warning Aspirin is highly contraindicated in children younger than 16 years as it has been related with a potentially fatal condition known as Reye's syndrome.

Chickenpox can be both itchy and painful. Here are some ideas to stem that itch and keep your child cool and comfortable.

Take antihistamines - Consult your own doctor but the itching is a result of the body's reaction to the disease. It releases histamine which leads to the itching. Over-the-counter medications can block the release of histamine so you feel less itchy over time.
Keep Clean - Hygiene is very important. Clean the patient with warm water to lower the spread of the virus to unaffected areas.
Use a topical lotion like calamine or Chikkie Spot Soother- This works by drying out the skin. Rubbing your child down with it can provide temporary relief from pain and itch.
Oatmeal baths - This is an old but a good remedy for chickenpox itch. Fill a tub with cool, but not cold water. Hot water can increase the pain and itch. Fill the tub with baking soda and oatmeal. If you have it, use pre-packaged colloidal oatmeal remedies. Allow your child to soak for about 15 minutes until they feel better.

Another good tip is to put socks on their hands - It will be hard to keep kids from scratching when they itch. Placing mittens or socks on the hands prevents damage from being done to the skin that will hurt later on.

If you can follow these tips it can make a very uncomfortable disease a bit more bearable.

Pimple In Ear

This article is brought to you by Mario Pittore and the people at Natural Family Healing, an online retailer and community for Homeopathic, natural and Holistic healing.


Chickenpox Itching and Relief