It's mandatory to track your baby's development and to know what to expect during your pregnancy. For each of the forty weeks of pregnancy, it's important to be aware of your baby's development and the type of changes your body would undergo. What are the different pregnancy symptoms by week that you should anticipate?
1-5 Weeks
For this period, you may experience spotting or bleeding. This is due to the implantation of the blastocyst into your uterus. Don't panic because this is perfectly normal. Not everyone though will have this symptom of pregnancy. On the 4th week, there will be fetal development. The blastocyst will search for a spot to settle down and these cells will be divided into two groups which will then form placenta and the baby. On the 5th week, the embryo should develop 3 layers: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm.
6-10 Weeks
This stage is probably the most exciting because the umbilical cord will start to develop, the eyes and ears will begin to form as well as an opening for the mouth. The best part is the heart will begin to pump blood. What are the pregnancy symptoms by week 6 to 10 for you? You may lose or gain pounds. You may also experience morning sickness. It's very important to never let your stomach get completely empty or overly full. Eat just the right amount of food so not to aggravate the problem. On the 8th week, you may find your waistline to be expanding. You would also have to deal with pimples and increase in oil secretion. Your breast would be very sensitive on the 9th week. On the 10th week, morning sickness will start to ease a bit but mood swings and blotchy complexion won't go away just yet.
11-12 Weeks
Pregnancy symptoms by week 11 to 12 include better appetite (talk about weird cravings!) and your nausea will subside. Certain smells may still bother you but not too much like the first couple of weeks in your pregnancy. On the 12th week, your uterus will shift up and forward as it grows, it won't press on your bladder which means less bathroom trips for you. Your morning sickness will subside and you will feel less exhausted. If you experience headaches and lightheadedness, make sure you record this on your calendar and discuss it with your doctor.
Whether you're pregnant or want to get pregnant, has a ton of resources for you. Stop by and read our week by week pregnancy guide, learn about the symptoms of pregnancy, watch a ultrasound video showing each week of a baby's development during your pregnancy (absolutely fascinating!), get free stuff for you and your baby, and so much more!
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