Go through Get Rid of a Pimple Fast in an Emergency a lot more

The best way to treat acne long-term is with an appropriate holistic all-natural regimen which treats the acne from the inside out. However, there are times when there is a huge temptation to get rid of a pimple fast. Perhaps it's your birthday, or your wedding day, and you want clear skin for the photos. Perhaps you have a job interview, or a first date, and you don't want to deal with the self-consciousness of an obvious pimple.

First, let's deal with a myth. I used to hear a lot that toothpaste (but not tooth gel) applied at night and left on the skin would get rid of a pimple fast. Alas, that may have been true at one time, but now toothpaste does not contain zinc. It was the zinc ingredient, which is a known anti-inflammatory, which might have been the ingredient which helped get rid of a pimple fast. As toothpaste does not have this ingredient anymore, at least in the US, the potential benefit to get rid of a pimple fast simply does not exist anymore. If indeed it ever worked!

Some dermatologists will recommend applying a hydrocortisone cream. An anti-inflammatory topical cream, this will certainly eliminate some of the redness. Beware though, there is a risk that overuse will exacerbate your acne. He or she, in a real emergency, may try a steroid injection. This works the same way as a hydrocortisone lotion or cream, but it is more effective because it is more direct, and the doctor can hit the exact spot needing treatment.

It is really not practical to go to the doctor for an injection every time you have a pimple, but in a dire emergency, it is an option you should at least be aware of. Also, a reputable doctor will not resort to such injections on a whim, so don't abuse this option. It is not good for you long-term anyway.

Many people are tempted to take the direct approach to get rid of a pimple fast. They just want to pop it. This is usually a very, very bad idea. First, it can lead to scarring. Second, you can actually end up driving the acne-causing bacteria deeper and spread the outbreak. Instead of one pimple, you end up with multiple pimples, and I'm sure that wasn't the objective.

If you absolutely must pop that zit, then there is a right way and a wrong way. Only those pimples which are clearly matured, with visible white or off white centers that have risen to the point where the puss-like core is visible, are safe to pop. Never use your fingers or nails, indeed avoid direct skin contact near the pimple, as you may introduce more dirt or bacteria into the pore or an adjoining one.

Wash your hand thoroughly. Then take a clean washcloth, soaked in hot water, and press it against the area for about five to seven minutes. Finally, use two cotton balls and press against the sides of the pimple gently. If it doesn't pop with gentle pressure, then it is not ready to pop, and you should stop. But sometimes this works effectively.

What you really need is a complete program to permanently eliminate acne by dealing with the production of acne-causing bacteria and addressing the environment in which the bacteria can thrive. Why wait to have to deal with an emergency pimple. Why not cure your acne permanently so that you never have to worry about how to get rid of a pimple!


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Get Rid of a Pimple Fast in an Emergency
