Go through Reduce Stress to Reduce Acne - A Natural Acne Treatment a lot more

Did you know that stress management can help treat acne? Yes, stress is a key factor when it comes to acne. In fact, chronic stress can significantly worsen acne problems. What exactly is the relationship between stress and acne? And what can you do to manage stress and acne at the same time?

Stress and Acne

Stress is the body's response to conditions that upset one's natural "balance". When under stress, the heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and metabolism rises, and more blood is channeled to the muscles. In more primitive days, humans relied on this response to survive against predators. In a more modern world, bursts of stress helps us focus study for exams, ask a hot crush to a date, ace a presentation, or do that game-tipping throw.

Constant stress however, can cause long-term damage to our health. This wears down our bodies and leads to loss of concentration, lack of sleep, agitation, depression, and a weakened immune system. It can also affect our relationships as we become more moody and irritable. Chronic stress can show on our skin, too, and lead to crazy pimple breakouts.

When under stress, the adrenal glands produce more testosterone. Even under stress-free conditions, rising testosterone levels makes the sebaceous glands produce more oil, which accumulate with dead skin cells and bacteria and lead to acne. Elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol also stimulate the sebaceous glands into overdrive, making the skin even more prone to acne. That is why you'll tend to have bigger, more pus-filled pimples during stressful periods.

Top Tips to Manage Stress and Reduce Acne

The best way to bust stress-related acne is to manage stress. Relaxation techniques like yoga and breathing exercises can help calm the nerves, lower heart rate, and control the stress response. Taking a nice warm bath or massages using aromatherapy oils like chamomile, lavender, and sandalwood can also help the body relax. Some types of food have also been found to help reduce stress, like nuts, broccoli, chocolate, salmon, milk and green tea. Staying away from coffee, chips and sugary treats, and alcohol is also a good idea as these can worsen stress. All these are part of a holistic natural acne treatment that gets rid of acne and makes the body and mind healthier, too.

Getting enough sleep is another excellent stress buster. Sleep and your skin are invariably tied up: sleep deprivation stresses the body and deprives the skin of valuable recharge and healing time. Sometimes stress can be self-inflicted too. Having unrealistically high expectations, being too perfectionist or pessimist gives undue stress. Trying to develop a more balanced, optimistic attitude will help beat not just stress but the blues away too.

A warm hug and a patient ear can also go a long way in managing stress. Instead of pushing other people out, having healthy, positive interactions with family and friends will help take away the stress of everyday life. Stroking or playing with a pet can also be effective in reducing stress. Whatever the method, these techniques will not only make you relax and feel better, it will get rid of acne and make you look better too.

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Karina Miranda is a writer for NaturalAcneTreatment.com, which offers natural clear skin products and a free guide to natural treatments for acne. Visit us today to learn about the benefits of a natural acne treatment. This article may be republished provided that the author's information and all active links are left intact.

Reduce Stress to Reduce Acne - A Natural Acne Treatment

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