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Getting Rid of a Sore Chest Pimple


Getting rid of that ugly pimple on your chest can seem like its going to be a hard and daunting task but it's not and in this article I am going to touch basis on a few points that are going to help with getting rid of your acne a little bit faster.

Start off by drinking plenty of water, Drinking 8 glasses of water is what is recommended however when you have a break out drinking 10-12 glasses of water a day would be a much better idea, this way it flushes out more of the bad toxins and oils that can get built up in your pores.

Another thing that you can do is ensure that you wash your face three times a day with non dye non fragrance bar soap, if you have a pimple on your chest try to avoid using a wash cloth and this will ensure no irritation, using your fingertips to massage the infected area is a much better way to wash.

Stress, stress can be by far one of the biggest reasons why people break out even more when a pimple arises, try to relax is a must; acne heals itself in 3-5 days. However if you stress about your pimples, and acne problems you cause stress break outs which cause your acne to stick around for longer then expected.

Over the counter topical medicines are good for when you have a pimple, break out. Clean the infected area with warm soap and water, apply a toner with a cotton ball and then proceed to rub on a topical ointment and let dry. Repeat the process until the pimple goes away.

If you are looking to get rid of pimples and acne and would like to try something that really works, read my blog and find out all of the little tricks and secrets that could have you feeling and looking better in just a couple of days. Visit